Every child is different. No matter where you stand on the different types of schooling, everything will depend on what your child needs at certain points in their life. CC Bloom shares the good, the bad, and the ugly of homeschooling. She will also share the medical decision that led her to homeschool and why continues today.

Website: thetruthaboutsanta.com

Instagram: @thetopsecrettruthaboutsanta

Book: https://www.amazon.com/Secret-Truth-about-Santa-Claus/dp/B0B5KNPCF7/ref=sr_1_1?crid=8PCXTWD8INT0&keywords=the+truth+about+santa+cc+bloom&qid=1691547963&sprefix=the+truth+about+santa+cc+bloom%2Caps%2C228&sr=8-1