When was the last time you felt celebrated? Do you ever feel overshadowed in this ‘notice-me’ world?

Wife, mother, musician, author, and podcaster, Susan Hoekstra joins us for this awesome conversation about a desire we as human beings all share: the desire to be noticed. In her book, A Firm Grasp- Feeling Validated in a Notice-Me World, Susan takes us through her spiritual journey of self-awareness and how we can do the same!

Follow Susan on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shoekst/

Website: https://susankhoekstra.com/?fbclid=IwAR3t61yH8ER8lvmiWA2bmRAdsHWPWU70v1BYquN3V_a82JfCi-9s3NG6vxo

Podcast- The Notice: https://susankhoekstra.com/podcast

Susan’s Book: https://www.amazon.com/Firm-GRASP-Feeling-validated-notice-me/dp/0578890623/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3VQSQ5RTJ928V&keywords=a+firm+grasp&qid=1641344684&sprefix=a+firm+grasp%2Caps%2C139&sr=8-1