As we say goodbye to 2016 (and George Michael, Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds . . .) it is at this time we start to ponder the following year.  Have you thought about how you will grow in 2017?  One of my biggest growth spurts comes from books. Books help us become more well rounded, give us understanding and expand our knowledge in different areas of ministry. Here are some that I highly recommend for your 2017 reading list:


EPIDEMIC- How Teen Sex is Killing Our Kids: An older book that is relevant in our day.  Dr. Meg Meeker lays out the dangers of teen sex and how to appropriately help our kids navigate through our sex driven culture.

GOOD PICTURE BAD PICTURES- Every parent, pastor, and child need to read this.  A book made for children as young as 7 to help them understand what pornography is and why it is dangerous.

THE FLIPSIDE OF FEMINISM- What Conservative Women Know and Men Can’t Say: One of the best books I’ve ever read.  I knew I wasn’t a feminist, but I couldn’t articulate why.  These ladies give you the scoop on feminist history and how it has damaged our society today.

HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE-  Because who doesn’t want to be better with people while working in ministry?  Enough said.

WHAT HE MUST BE IF HE WANTS TO MARRY MY DAUGHTER- A great book that helps parents on the importance of marriage in our society as well has the importance of a parent’s role.

HOW TO BEAT THE COLLEGE DEBT TRAP- Getting a Degree without Going Broke:  This book by Alex Chediak, is written for teens about ready to embark on the road to college.  However, this is a must read for every pastor and parent.  It is loaded with information high schools, colleges, and banks are not telling you.

ITS YOUR KID NOT A GERBIL- Creating a Happier and Less-Stressed Home:  Our lives are way too busy.  God did not design our lives to be this crazy.  We have no time for Him, and we certainly have no time with our family. Psychologist Dr. Kevin Leman does it again with his last born of the family humor, helping us learn to slow our kids down.

THE PRICE OF PRIVILEGE-  This is a great book explaining the damage affluence has done to our children and culture.  Affluence is not bad, it only becomes bad when do not glorify our God with our abundance.

WITHOUT RIVAL- Lisa Bevere knows women well.  Here she digs right into the roots of our insecurities and how we can see ourselves as God sees us.


“Lord, I thank you for growth.  I thank you ahead of time for the growth that will happen in me in 2017.  Show me areas of my life that I can best help my spouse, my children, and my ministry.  In Jesus Name, AMEN.”